About 'on time'

This is a boutique of software gadgets for children, to help them get a good understanding of time and related notions. The gadgets can be used as aids in teaching, but I'd also like the children to play with them by themselves — to explore and make connections on their own.

I started when I needed to do some teaching myself, with a simple software version of a paper clock. As features expanded, I split it into new gadgets. The plan is to add more.

One can jump directly into playing with any gadget. The description pages can clarify some things, if not obvious; they are meant mostly for the coaches (parents etc). The Dig Deeper section provides ideas for discussion. (Don't take my answers too seriously.)

There is a button to translate the gadgets' options, so that more kids can see them in a familiar language. If you can help with translations, write me using the contact form.

I hope these gadgets help you. Let me know how you find them. I appreciate any feedback.

Thanks for visiting. :)

Cris Pergel

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